5  Standard charts

We’ll make bar charts, scatterplots, stacked overlapping distributions (joyplots), and some other charts, using data on which the paper American Politics in Two Dimensions is based:


theme_update(text = element_text(size=13),
             #text = element_text(family="Source Sans Pro")

As always, take a quick look at the structure of the datasets.

In this case, we have data from 3 surveys, which are stored in d1, d2, and d3.

# A tibble: 6 × 77
  caseid  female   edu black hispanic   age income pid      ideo interest attend
  <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl+l> <dbl>    <dbl>  <dbl>
1 R_2zZv…      0     5     0        0    30      4 1 [Str…     6        5      4
2 R_1oF5…      0     6     0        0    44      5 5 [Str…     3        4      2
3 R_3PoE…      1     6     0        0    28      2 3 [Ind…     2        2      3
4 R_dh73…      1     2     0        0    51      1 1 [Str…     1        5      4
5 R_2TTP…      1     3     1        0    29      1 1 [Str…     1        5      5
6 R_3ls3…      1     4     1        0    36      2 1 [Str…     4        4      4
# ℹ 66 more variables: youtube <dbl>, con1 <dbl+lbl>, con2 <dbl>, con3 <dbl>,
#   con4 <dbl+lbl>, goodevil <dbl+lbl>, pop1 <dbl+lbl>, pop2 <dbl+lbl>,
#   official <dbl+lbl>, cexaggerate <dbl>, climatechange <dbl>,
#   collusion <dbl+lbl>, trumpasset <dbl>, clintonnuke <dbl>, repsteal <dbl>,
#   birther <dbl>, trumpft <dbl>, bidenft <dbl>, qanonft <dbl>,
#   reppartyft <dbl>, dempartyft <dbl>, sandersft <dbl>, rep <dbl>, pid2 <dbl>,
#   ideo2 <dbl>, edu2 <dbl>, income2 <dbl>, youtube2 <dbl>, …

We’ll start by looking at the distribution of a binary (and moralizing) view of politics; how do people respond to the prompt “Politics is a battle between good and evil”?

d2 %>% 
  count(goodevil) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100)
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  goodevil                            n percent
  <dbl+lbl>                       <int>   <dbl>
1 0 [Strongly disagree]             155    7.66
2 1 [Disagree]                      317   15.7 
3 2 [Neither agree, nor disagree]   572   28.3 
4 3 [Agree]                         600   29.7 
5 4 [Strongly agree]                379   18.7 

Now let’s create a cross-tab, breaking down the responses by party ID:

A binary (and moralizing) view of politics

d2 %>% group_by(pid) %>%
  count(goodevil) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100)
# A tibble: 25 × 4
# Groups:   pid [5]
   pid                 goodevil                            n percent
   <dbl+lbl>           <dbl+lbl>                       <int>   <dbl>
 1 1 [Strong Democrat] 0 [Strongly disagree]              33    6.10
 2 1 [Strong Democrat] 1 [Disagree]                       72   13.3 
 3 1 [Strong Democrat] 2 [Neither agree, nor disagree]   139   25.7 
 4 1 [Strong Democrat] 3 [Agree]                         162   29.9 
 5 1 [Strong Democrat] 4 [Strongly agree]                135   25.0 
 6 2 [Democrat]        0 [Strongly disagree]              16    5.44
 7 2 [Democrat]        1 [Disagree]                       62   21.1 
 8 2 [Democrat]        2 [Neither agree, nor disagree]    87   29.6 
 9 2 [Democrat]        3 [Agree]                          92   31.3 
10 2 [Democrat]        4 [Strongly agree]                 37   12.6 
# ℹ 15 more rows

Let’s plot the frequency of this Manichean perspective:

d2 %>% 
  count(goodevil) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=as_factor(goodevil),x=percent)) +
  geom_bar(position="dodge", stat="identity") + xlab("Percent") + ylab(NULL) +
  ggtitle("Opinion: Politics is a battle between good and evil")

Would it be useful to plot bars in different colors? Potetnially, but not like this…

d2 %>% 
  count(goodevil) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=as_factor(goodevil),x=percent,fill=as_factor(goodevil))) +


This scale might work - here darker colors indicate greater disagreement:

d2 %>% 
  count(goodevil) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=as_factor(goodevil),x=percent,fill=as_factor(goodevil))) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_viridis_d() +
  labs(x="Proportion of respondents", y= "", fill = "",
       subtitle = "Opinion: Politics is a battle between good and evil", caption= "Data: Uscinski et al. (AJPS, 2021).")

5.1 Faceting by party ID

Let’s try to:

  • add facet_wrap(~pid)
  • which means we also have to use group_by(pid) before running count()
d2 %>% group_by(pid) %>%
  count(goodevil) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=as_factor(goodevil),x=percent,fill=as_factor(goodevil))) +
  geom_col() + scale_fill_viridis_d() +
  labs(x="Proportion of respondents", y= "", fill = "", subtitle = "Opinion: Politics is a battle between good and evil", caption= "Data: Uscinski et al. (AJPS, 2021).") +

Also, we really need to show the party labels, not their numbers.

Here as_factor(variable) will work as long as variable is indeed labelled:

d2 %>% group_by(pid) %>%
  count(goodevil) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=as_factor(goodevil),x=percent,fill=as_factor(goodevil))) +
  geom_col() + scale_fill_viridis_d() +
  labs(x="Proportion of respondents", y= "", fill = "", subtitle = "Opinion: Politics is a battle between good and evil", caption= "Data: Uscinski et al. (AJPS, 2021).") +
  facet_wrap(~as_factor(pid)) +

Note that we often want to increase the size of the text elements (theme(text=element_text(size=...))) but in this case I’m actually making the text smaller so that facet labels fit on the page.

Are stronger partisans are more Manichean on average?

d2 %>% group_by(pid) %>%
  count(goodevil) %>%
  mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=as_factor(pid),x=percent,fill=as_factor(goodevil))) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_viridis_d(alpha=.885) +
  labs(x="Proportion of respondents", y= "", fill = "",
      title = "Opinion: Politics is a battle between good and evil", caption= "Data: Uscinski et al. (AJPS, 2021).")

5.2 Showing more variables together

Let’s create several data objects: each of them will contain responses to the components of the conspiracy thinking scale:

pop2share <- d2 %>% 
              count(pop2) %>%
              mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
              mutate(categories = as_factor(pop2)) %>%
              mutate(q = "People who have studied for a long time\nand have many diplomas do not really know\nwhat makes the world go round.")

officialshare <- d2 %>% 
              count(official) %>%
              mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
              mutate(categories = as_factor(official)) %>%
              mutate(q = "Official government accounts of events\ncannot be trusted.")

con1share <- d2 %>% 
              count(con1) %>%
              mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
              mutate(categories = as_factor(con1)) %>%
              mutate(q = "Even though we live in a democracy,\na few people will always run things anyway")

con4share <- d2 %>% 
              count(con4) %>%
              mutate(percent = n/sum(n)*100) %>%
              mutate(categories = as_factor(con4)) %>%
              mutate(q = "Much of our lives are being controlled\nby plots hatched in secret places.")

Create one larger data objhect:

shareShow <-
  ) %>%

# A tibble: 6 × 8
  pop2                           n percent categories q     official con1  con4 
  <dbl+lbl>                  <int>   <dbl> <fct>      <chr> <dbl+lb> <dbl> <dbl>
1  1 [Strongly disagree]        72    3.56 Strongly … "Peo… NA       NA    NA   
2  2 [Disagree]                226   11.2  Disagree   "Peo… NA       NA    NA   
3  3 [Neither agree, nor di…   709   35.0  Neither a… "Peo… NA       NA    NA   
4  4 [Agree]                   633   31.3  Agree      "Peo… NA       NA    NA   
5  5 [Strongly agree]          383   18.9  Strongly … "Peo… NA       NA    NA   
6 NA                           107    5.29 Strongly … "Off…  1 [Str… NA    NA   

Make a plot:

shareShow %>%
  ggplot(aes(y=as_factor(q),x=percent,fill=as_factor(categories))) +
  geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity", width = .5) +
  jcolors::scale_fill_jcolors(palette = "pal4") +
  theme_minimal() + theme(text = element_text(size=15)) +
  labs(y = "",x = "Percent", fill = "",title = "Uscinski et al. (AJPS, 2021) survey data\non anti-establishment sentiment")

Look at the components of jcolors.


5.3 Putting anti-establishment thinking on the 2nd axis

d1 %>% ggplot(aes(x = leftright2, y = suspicion2)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "Left vs. Right dimension\n(party ID, symbolic ideology, and party thermometer ratings)",
       y = "Anti-establishment thinking") + theme_gray()

d1 %>% ggplot(aes(x = leftright2, y = suspicion2)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "Left vs. Right dimension\n(party ID, symbolic ideology, and party thermometer ratings)",
       y = "Anti-establishment thinking") +

d1 %>% ggplot(aes(x = leftright2, y = suspicion2)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "Left vs. Right dimension\n(party ID, symbolic ideology, and party thermometer ratings)",
       y = "Anti-establishment thinking") +

d1 %>% ggplot(aes(x = leftright2, y = suspicion2)) +
  geom_point(color = "purple", alpha=.55) +
  labs(x = "Left vs. Right dimension\n(party ID, symbolic ideology, and party thermometer ratings)",
       y = "Anti-establishment thinking", title = "Conspiracy, populist, and Manichean orientations\nare orthogonal to the standard partisan divide", caption = "Data: Uscinski et al. (AJPS, 2021).") +

5.4 Conspiratorial orientation and PID

In principle, a box plot might make sense in this context…

d2 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=as_factor(pid), y=consp_Index)) +
  geom_boxplot(size=.4) +

You could simultaneously display all respondets (jittered):

d2 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=as_factor(pid), y=consp_Index)) +
  geom_boxplot(size=.4) +
  geom_jitter(color="purple",alpha=.4,width = .1) +

Make small edits:

d2 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=as_factor(pid), y=consp_Index)) +
  geom_boxplot(size=.4) + 
  geom_jitter(color="purple",alpha=.4,width = .1) + theme_minimal() +
  labs(y="Conspiratorial thinking\n(Average agreement with 4 questions)",x = "")

Perhaps even better:

d2 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=as_factor(pid), y=consp_Index)) +
  geom_boxplot(size=.4) + geom_jitter(color="purple",alpha=.4,width = .1) + theme_minimal() +
  labs(y="Conspiratorial thinking\n(Average agreement with 4 questions)",x = "",subtitle = "Conspiratorial thinking is uncorrelated with partisanship",
       caption = "Q1: Even though we live in a democracy, a few people will always run things anyway.
Q2: The people who really run the country, are not known to the voters.
Q3: Big events like wars, the recent recession, and the outcomes of elections are controlled\nby small groups of people who are working in secret against the rest of us.
Q4: Much of our lives are being controlled by plots hatched in secret places.")

5.5 All 3 components of the anti-est. orienation

d2 %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=as_factor(pid), y=suspicion2)) +
  geom_boxplot(fill="purple", alpha=.2) +
  geom_jitter(alpha=.2,width = .11,color="purple4") +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(y="Conspiratorial thinking + Populism + Manichean outlook",x = "")

5.6 Narcissism as a correlate for conspiracy thinking?

d1 %>% filter(!is.na(attent1)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = as_factor(attent1), x= suspicion2)) +

d1 %>% filter(!is.na(attent1)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = as_factor(attent1), x= suspicion2)) +
    fill = "#00AFBB",
    quantile_lines = TRUE, quantiles = 2,alpha = .9,color = "white") +
  labs(y= "I tend to want others to admire me",x="Conspiracy thinking")

d1 %>% filter(!is.na(attent1)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = as_factor(attent1), x= suspicion2)) +
    fill = "#00AFBB",
    quantile_lines = TRUE, quantiles = 2,alpha = .9,color = "white") +
    xlim(0,1) + labs(y= "I tend to want others to admire me",x="Conspiracy thinking")

d1 %>% filter(!is.na(attent1)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(y = as_factor(attent1), x= suspicion2)) +
    fill = "#00AFBB",
    quantile_lines = TRUE, quantiles = 2,alpha = .9,color = "white") +
  xlim(0,1) + labs(y= "I tend to want others to admire me",
       x = "The horizontal dimension measures how strongly respondents exhibit 3 traits:
1. Conspiratorial thinking (e.g. \"Our lives are controlled by secret plots\")
2. Populist beliefs
3. Manichean political views",caption = "Data: Uscinski et al. (AJPS, 2021).")

d1 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=narcissism,y=suspicion2)) +
  geom_smooth() + labs(x = "Narcissism", y="Anti-establishment orientation") 

d1 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=narcissism,y=suspicion2)) +
  geom_smooth() + labs(x = "Narcissism", y="Anti-establishment orientation") +
  ggside::geom_xsidehistogram() +
  ggside::ggside(x.pos = "bottom") 

5.7 Mainstream news

  d1 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=suspicion2,y=msm)) +
  geom_smooth() +
  labs(x = "Anti-establihment orientation", y="Much of the mainstream news is deliberately slanted to mislead us") +
  ggside::geom_xsidehistogram() +
  ggside::ggside(x.pos = "bottom") ,
d1 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=narcissism,y=msm)) +
  geom_smooth() +
  labs(x = "Narcissism", y="Much of the mainstream news is deliberately slanted to mislead us") +
  ggside::geom_xsidehistogram() +
  ggside::ggside(x.pos = "bottom") 

collmod <- lm(msm ~ clintonft*suspicion2, data=d1)
ggeffects::ggeffect(collmod, terms=c("suspicion2","clintonft")) %>% plot() +
  labs(color="Rating of Hillary Clinton",y="Much of the mainstream news is deliberately slanted to mislead us",
       x="Anti-establishment orientation",title="")

“I often disagree with conventional views about the world”

d1 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=suspicion2,y=conwis)) +
  geom_smooth() +
  labs(x = "Anti-establihment orientation", y="I often disagree with conventional views about the world") +
d1 %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=narcissism,y=conwis)) +
  geom_smooth() +
  labs(x = "Narcissism", y="I often disagree with conventional views about the world") +

5.8 Denial of climate change


  1   2   3   4   5 
733 454 395 233 206 

   0    1 
1582  439 
d2 %>% count(climatechangeBIN)
# A tibble: 3 × 2
  climatechangeBIN     n
             <dbl> <int>
1                0  1582
2                1   439
3               NA     2

Are the missing observations the same for the original and the recoded variable? (If not, we would want to check whether earlier code did something unintended.)

d2 %>% count(climatechangeBIN,climatechange)
# A tibble: 6 × 3
  climatechangeBIN climatechange     n
             <dbl>         <dbl> <int>
1                0             1   733
2                0             2   454
3                0             3   395
4                1             4   233
5                1             5   206
6               NA            NA     2